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SNAP Syllabus 2024: Check Section-wise Syllabus, Important Topics

22 October, 2024
Radhika Joshi

Symbiosis International University prescribes the syllabus for the Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) as part of its curriculum. The exam syllabus includes three sections: Analytical & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency, and General English. The exam is of 60 marks and has a duration of 60 minutes without any sectional time limits. In this comprehensive article, you will learn in detail about SNAP syllabus 2024.

SNAP Syllabus

In this comprehensive article, you will learn in detail about SNAP syllabus 2024. The SNAP exam opens doors to admission to the best management programs at Symbiosis institutions, including SIBM, SCMHRD, and SIOM Nashik. It is one of the easier management entrances and can be aced with dedicated prep.



SNAP Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Sections No.of 


Total No. of
General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability 15 15 15
Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency 20 20 20
Analytical & Logical Reasoning 25 25 25
Total 60 60 60


Learn about the Marking Scheme

  1. For each correct answer, you will receive a +1 mark. 
  2. For each incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

Read More – SNAP Cutoff

Points To Consider Before Preparing for SNAP

Before starting your SNAP preparation, it is important to clearly understand what topics and areas you will need to study. Knowing the inside-out syllabus can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and plan your study schedule accordingly.


The next crucial step is creating a study plan. Look at your daily routine and find slots where you can consistently dedicate time to SNAP preparation without disrupting your other activities. This consistent, dedicated time slot will ensure you progress steadily towards your goal.


Delving into past SNAP question papers and understanding the trends over the years is also beneficial. It will give you a clearer idea of what to expect and help you collect study materials that are most relevant to the exam pattern. Quality study materials are key to grasping concepts clearly and avoiding unnecessary confusion.

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Lastly, practising with mock tests regularly is necessary. Mock tests simulate the real exam environment, which helps you manage time efficiently and reduce exam day anxiety. Regular practice will also highlight areas that need more attention, allowing you to refine your study strategy to score well.


Key Dates to Remember

Remembering the key dates for SNAP is very important for anyone getting ready for the exam. These dates are important checkpoints in the preparation process and help candidates effectively plan their study schedules, revision times, and practice tests. Knowing the application deadlines, exam dates, result announcements, and other important timelines help applicants complete necessary tasks early, avoid last-minute stress, and allocate enough time to prepare for each section of the exam.


Event Tentative Dates
Admit Card download Starts Session-1: 1st week of December, 2024 Session-2: 2nd week of December, 2024 Session-3: 2nd week of December, 2024
Exam Dates, Test Duration and Time 1-hour duration exam: Session-1: 2nd week of Dec 2024 (From 2 PM to 3 PM) Session-2: 3rd week of Dec 2024 (From 2 PM to 3 PM) Session-3: 3rd week of Dec 2024 (From 2 PM to 3 PM)
Result date January 2025

SNAP Exam Syllabus 2024: General English

Understanding the syllabus thoroughly is a vital factor in successful exam preparation. A well-structured plan that aligns with the syllabus allows aspirants to efficiently and adequately pace their study schedule. This ensures complete material coverage, leaving enough time for important revision sessions and the practice of mock tests.

Such an approach improves one’s accuracy in answering questions and time management skills, both of which are crucial for performing well in competitive exams.

This section of the test evaluates your understanding of Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension passages, and Grammar. It is important to be able to read and understand the nuances of the English language quickly. The following are important topics in this section.


Important Topics:

Fill in the Blanks Syllogisms
Analogies Contextual usage
Sentence Correction Synonyms and Antonyms
Idioms and Phrases Jumbled paragraphs with 4 or 5 sentences
Foreign language words used in English Sentence correction

SNAP Exam Syllabus 2024: Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation

This section evaluates your math abilities, understanding of data, and problem-solving skills. It includes questions on basic math, algebra, geometry, and interpreting data from graphs. Good knowledge of numerical and analytical abilities is important for solving these problems.

Important Topics:

Simple interest and Compound interest Venn diagram
HCF & LCM Geometric and Arithmetic progression
Ratios and Proportion Trigonometry
Quadratic Equations Logarithm Progressions
Number System Arithmetic Algebra Linear Equations


Read More: Top 10 MBA colleges accepting SNAP scores

SNAP Exam Syllabus 2024 – Logical Reasoning 

The SNAP Logical Reasoning syllabus has been designed to test candidates’ analytical and interpersonal reasoning skills. Solving questions from previous years is a crucial strategy for doing well in this section. It familiarises you with the exam pattern and helps improve your time management skills. The highest-scoring topics of the logical reasoning syllabus for SNAP 2024 exam are:

Important Topics:

Arrangements Sequence and series
Analogies Blood relations
Critical Reasoning Directions
Coding and decoding Syllogisms
Clock and calendar Puzzles


Key Takeaway

Understanding the SNAP syllabus 2024 is crucial for any aspirant aiming to crack the exam with top scores. It lays the groundwork for adequate preparation by highlighting the areas that need focus and enabling candidates to allocate their study time wisely. Knowing the syllabus thoroughly helps identify one’s strengths and weaknesses, thus facilitating a targeted approach toward preparation. 

Additionally, it minimises the risk of wasting time on topics not covered in the exam, ensuring a more efficient study plan. Ultimately, familiarising oneself with the SNAP syllabus is the first step toward achieving success in this competitive entrance exam, setting the foundation for a promising future in the management field.

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FAQs: SNAP Exam Syllabus 

  1. What sections are included in the SNAP exam syllabus?

   – The SNAP exam syllabus includes three main sections: Analytical & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency, and General English.


  1. How many questions are there in the SNAP exam, and how is it scored?

   – The SNAP exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for a total of 60 marks. Each correct answer awards a +1 mark, and there is a deduction of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer. Unanswered questions do not have any negative markings.


  1. What is the duration of the SNAP exam?

   – The SNAP exam has a duration of 60 minutes (1 hour) without any sectional time limits.


  1. How can I prepare efficiently for the SNAP exam?

   – To prepare efficiently, understand the SNAP 2024 syllabus, create a consistent study plan, analyse past question papers to understand exam trends, gather quality study materials, and practice regularly with mock tests.


  1. When can I download the admit card for the SNAP exam?

   – Tentative dates for downloading the admit card are in the 1st week of December 2024 for Session 1 and the 2nd week of December 2024 for Sessions 2 and 3.


  1. What are the SNAP exam dates and timings for the 2024 session?

   – The SNAP 2024 exam will be tentatively conducted on the 2nd and 3rd weeks of December 2024, with the exam timing from 2 PM to 3 PM.


  1. When will the SNAP exam results be announced?

   – The results for the SNAP exam will tentatively be announced in January 2025.


  1. What areas should I focus on for the General English section?

   – Focus on reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, verbal ability, grammar, vocabulary, and understanding passages for the General English section.



  1. What should I study for the Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency section?

    – Study basic math, algebra, and geometry, and practice interpreting data from graphs for this section.


  1. How can I improve my score in the Analytical & Logical Reasoning section?

    – Practice solving various types of questions, including arrangements, sequence and series, analogies, critical reasoning, etc., and review questions from previous years to improve your time management and problem-solving skills.


  1. Are mock tests helpful in SNAP exam preparation?

    – Yes, practising with mock tests is important. They simulate the real exam environment, help manage time efficiently, and reduce exam-day anxiety.